The Genealogy Show – Registration of deeds latest developments and meaning of sources

Lorna is a Professional Genealogist and Family Historian. She is a longstanding member of the Association of Professional Genealogist. Lorna is the Resident Genealogist for Dromoland Castle in County Clare. Lorna worked as Project Genealogist for George Boole *200 genealogy project for University College Cork and is an excellent researcher for Irish family histories.

Lorna produces and presents the successful show: ‘The Genealogy Radio show’ aired each Thursday at 4p.m. from beautiful Kilkee, Co. Clare at Raidio Corcabaiscinn and Podcasts are available weekly.

Lorna has delivered conference papers at Oxford; Lincoln College: Exploration of the Medieval Gaelic Diet: (2012); seminar papers at the Moore Institute in NUI Galway, ‘The Gaelic Lordships in Thomond, c. 1400-c.1500’ and papers at Irish Conference of Medievalists on themes of Brian Boru and landscape of East Clare. Lorna has published on medieval themes and on maritime subjects. Her research areas are the MacNamaras and O’Briens of Thomond.

Lorna received her Certificate for the Advancement of Forensic Genealogy (CAFG) in Dallas in March 2015.

Community Unity

On today’s Community Unity Show Máiréad spoke with Andrew Killeen from Doonbeg Drama group about the one act plays that are on this weekend in Doonbeg. James spoke with Rhona from an Cait Dubh about the care of cats and kittens.
Máiréad speaks to Síle Concannon about the Feasibility Study launch for the Irish College in Carrigaholt that is on Friday 11th at 7pm and then spoke to Robert Tweedy from Kilkee sub Aqua Club who told her about how he got involved,
and what the Club does , how to get involved and training that is going on over the next few months.

[Closed]Vacancy Income, Marketing and Public Relations Officer [CLOSED]

South West Clare Community Radio Limited by Guarantee
T/A Raidio Corcan Baiscinn , Community Centre, Circular Road ,Kilkee Co, Clare. On 92.5FM/94.8FM

Main Function: To increase the overall development of South West Clare Community Radio Limited by Guarantee by increasing total revenues acquired by the station.

Hours: 39 per week

Key Responsibilities of the post:

• Researching, identifying, sourcing, and applying for funding from State agencies, local authorities, European and Irish grants etc. especially applications for commissioned programming.
• Explore and develop new advertising and sponsorship opportunities. Liaise with existing customers, with groups in conjunction with station staff and members.
• Organise and attend fundraisers, promotions, and events.

Marketing and Public Relations:
• Plan, develop and implement Marketing and PR strategies.
• Writing and distributing press releases and devising photo opportunities.
• Maintain social media platforms (Twitter, FB) engaging with social media users.
• Develop contacts and liaise with businesses and community organisations.
• Fostering community relations through organising and attending events such as open days.
• Encourage the recruitment of radio volunteers.
• Help create promotional material, coordinate the fundraising Committee, and liaise with the Finance and Budget and S&V committee.
• Exploit our Outside Broadcasting potential with regard to Traded Income and own-brand awareness.
• Undertake to work the non-social hours involved using ‘time-in-lieu’.
• Assist in the effective operation of the station.
• Report to, liaise with and accept direction from Station Manager.
• Observe the conditions of your contract.

While all members of staff have individual job descriptions they are required to collaborate with all other staff. S/he may be expected to work in different locations and to undertake other duties from time to time including occasional weekend work.

Please send your CV and Cover letter to: 
Closing date for applications is Friday October 28th at 5pm.
This position is funded through Pobal and the Department of Community and Rural Development
Please Note ;

Applicants for the ‘Income, Marketing and Public Relations Officer’ role must currently fall into one of the following categories:

Unemployed persons in receipt of jobseekers’ benefit, jobseekers’ assistance or one parent family payment, Persons in receipt of disability allowance (or other disability benefit), invalidity pension or blind persons pension, Travellers in receipt of jobseekers’ benefit or jobseekers’ assistance or one parent family benefit, Stabilised and recovering drug misusers.
People employed from Community Employment (CE) and Job Initiatives (JI) schemes are deemed eligible.

Mikey’s Mix Click that link above today at 2:30 pm and hear me 100% live 🎶🎶 and also get a little news about something on TV later tonight 🤫🫡😎 and also come for a little tour across the world with me today 😉 🎶🎶🥳👍🏻 tune in to find out more 💕 and also again@ 8pm 😉🎉🎈🎈🎶🎶🥳
Also on podcast under Mikey’s Mix on the web page 🥳🥳🎶🎶🎈🎈🎉🎉💕💕😎🫡😄

Mikey's Mix

The Genealogy Show – Fairs In Ireland

Lorna is a Professional Genealogist and Family Historian. She is a longstanding member of the Association of Professional Genealogist. Lorna is the Resident Genealogist for Dromoland Castle in County Clare. Lorna worked as Project Genealogist for George Boole *200 genealogy project for University College Cork and is an excellent researcher for Irish family histories.

Lorna produces and presents the successful show: ‘The Genealogy Radio show’ aired each Thursday at 4p.m. from beautiful Kilkee, Co. Clare at Raidio Corcabaiscinn and Podcasts are available weekly.

Lorna has delivered conference papers at Oxford; Lincoln College: Exploration of the Medieval Gaelic Diet: (2012); seminar papers at the Moore Institute in NUI Galway, ‘The Gaelic Lordships in Thomond, c. 1400-c.1500’ and papers at Irish Conference of Medievalists on themes of Brian Boru and landscape of East Clare. Lorna has published on medieval themes and on maritime subjects. Her research areas are the MacNamaras and O’Briens of Thomond.

Lorna received her Certificate for the Advancement of Forensic Genealogy (CAFG) in Dallas in March 2015.

Radio Beams

Radio BeamsRadio Beams show this week is with Australia Ambassador to Ireland Mr Gary Gray. He visited Clare recently.
He was born in Yorkshire in the UK parents emigrated when he was 8.His dad was a coal miner.
Ambassador talks about his time in government. How big Australia is and his work in Ireland.
Tune into at 3.30pm Tuesday. Please share.

Community Unity

Featuring guests from around the area.
Details of CRAOL awards 2022 from last week where RCB received awards for two long standing programmes.
Teresa speaks to Martin Gleeson at the Loophead Lighthouse and a seasonal interview from the labyrynth with White Witch Susi Matejka.

The Genealogy Show – Richard Harris Archives -Ancestral Connections – Little of Ark of Kilbaha

Lorna is a Professional Genealogist and Family Historian. She is a longstanding member of the Association of Professional Genealogist. Lorna is the Resident Genealogist for Dromoland Castle in County Clare. Lorna worked as Project Genealogist for George Boole *200 genealogy project for University College Cork and is an excellent researcher for Irish family histories.

Lorna produces and presents the successful show: ‘The Genealogy Radio show’ aired each Thursday at 4p.m. from beautiful Kilkee, Co. Clare at Raidio Corcabaiscinn and Podcasts are available weekly.

Lorna has delivered conference papers at Oxford; Lincoln College: Exploration of the Medieval Gaelic Diet: (2012); seminar papers at the Moore Institute in NUI Galway, ‘The Gaelic Lordships in Thomond, c. 1400-c.1500’ and papers at Irish Conference of Medievalists on themes of Brian Boru and landscape of East Clare. Lorna has published on medieval themes and on maritime subjects. Her research areas are the MacNamaras and O’Briens of Thomond.

Lorna received her Certificate for the Advancement of Forensic Genealogy (CAFG) in Dallas in March 2015.

Community Unity

On today’s Community Unity where we discuss all things community, we are at the Farmers Market in Kilrush. Brian Clohessy pops in live to the studio. We hear from Louise Reynolds from the Irish Nutrition and Dietetic Institute on tips for promoting healthy bones and avoiding osteoporosis following National Osteoporosis Day. Teresa also speaks with Dr Cathy Breen on new obesity guidelines that were released today. We also hear about some facts and folklore on the history of Halloween.


The programme was recorded whilest observing social distancing rules.
A weekly 30-minute space for Christian prayer, song and devotion. It is presented by the Brothers of Charity Group led by Antonio Cebas and joined in by Donnie Dillon, Anne Marie Harte Orla McMahon and Kathleen Ryan It is an invitation to engage in Christian worship through prayer and song, as well as to reflect on the lives of the Saints whose feast day we celebrate.

Mikey’s Mix

Mikey’s Mix on the air every Friday live from 2:30pm with your dancing shoes on and ready. You’ll be in for a serious mix of music from classics to new music and even remixes which you wont hear anywhere else only on Mikey’s mix. Repeated Friday evenings at 8pm .

Mikey's Mix

The Genealogy Show – Blacksmiths and Vets

Lorna is a Professional Genealogist and Family Historian. She is a longstanding member of the Association of Professional Genealogist. Lorna is the Resident Genealogist for Dromoland Castle in County Clare. Lorna worked as Project Genealogist for George Boole *200 genealogy project for University College Cork and is an excellent researcher for Irish family histories.

Lorna produces and presents the successful show: ‘The Genealogy Radio show’ aired each Thursday at 4p.m. from beautiful Kilkee, Co. Clare at Raidio Corcabaiscinn and Podcasts are available weekly.

Lorna has delivered conference papers at Oxford; Lincoln College: Exploration of the Medieval Gaelic Diet: (2012); seminar papers at the Moore Institute in NUI Galway, ‘The Gaelic Lordships in Thomond, c. 1400-c.1500’ and papers at Irish Conference of Medievalists on themes of Brian Boru and landscape of East Clare. Lorna has published on medieval themes and on maritime subjects. Her research areas are the MacNamaras and O’Briens of Thomond.

Lorna received her Certificate for the Advancement of Forensic Genealogy (CAFG) in Dallas in March 2015.

Pauline’s Poems

What better way to unwind than to join the Craol 2018 award winning show with Pauline Skehan and friends for poetry, chat and song. An accomplished poet,This week Pauline is joined weekly by Rob Hopkins Tim Bartlett, Jasna Vukasovic, Larry O’Bryan and Julia Wright.

Community Unity

On todays Community Unity we have a number of recordings from the events held in the locality for Mental Health week including many of the bodies that attended the Kilrush Cattle Mart. Teresa also talks to Breda Latham from the Light House at the Grow Well event. Teresa also chats with Eileen Claire on Holistic Therapies. Our live studio guest Jackie McGrath is in to tell us about her exciting Ocean at Sea community art project which will be launching on 29th October in the Habit café Kilkee at 12 o clock.