A Little Bit of Gardening – Final Show

Would you believe it, here we are back in September and this is the last A Little Bit of Gardening Show. So what can we look at today on the final show? I think it will be a little recap and some extras that didn’t fit in with the topics…
Tune in at 7.30pm on Monday, or 5.30pm on Wednesday, to find out more.

A Little Bit of Gardening – Historic Gardeners

Over the last few weeks we have been looking back over the History of Gardens and the Knot Gardens. While researching these periods of history, a few names popped up but who exactly are these people and what contributions did they make to the development of gardens? So that is what I thought we could look at this week, Historic Gardeners..
Tune in at 7.30pm on Monday, or 5.30pm on Wednesday, to find out more. Or you can listen in on our webpage at rcb.ie at your own convenience….

ALittle Bit of Gardening – Knot Gardens!

When we were looking back at the History of gardening, it brought to mind the image of the Knot Garden. These gardens have always fascinated me, due to some of the exquisite designs and layouts. The time, patience and effort put into creating and maintaining these gardens can only be admired… So that is what I thought we could look at today, the Knot Garden……
Tune in at 7.30pm on Monday, or 5.30pm on Wednesday.

A Little Bit of Gardening – History of Gardening

Our gardens are extensions of our homes, a space where we can relax and spend time amongst our chosen plants and creative settings. But where did it all begin? How did our gardening skills develop to become the gardens we know today? So that is what I thought we could look at today, the History of Gardening……
Tune in at 7.30pm on Monday, or 5.30pm every Wednesday.

A Little Bit Of Gardening – Benefits of Gardens.

Gardening is good for you. Just looking at plants and gardens makes us feel better, while the act of gardening is good for the soul. Gardening assists us in staying in touch with the seasons and the natural world. So this week I thought it might be nice to look at The Benefits of Gardening, even in small spaces.
Tune in at 7.30pm on Monday, or 5.30pm on Wednesday, to find out more. Or you can listen in on our webpage at rcb.ie at your own convenience….

A Little Bit of Gardening – August Jobs

With August now upon us, you will probably start to notice the summer flowering plants are starting to age, with their leaves becoming yellow or fading… Our tall plants may be beginning to bend, while clump forming perennials may start growing leggy. There are a few simple maintenance jobs that we can do to keep things going, so that is what we are looking at today, the Jobs for the month of August.
Tune in at 7.30pm on Monday, or 5.30pm on Wednesday, to find out more. Or you can listen in on our webpage at rcb.ie at your own convenience….

A Little Bit of Gardening – Rabbit Proof

We have looked at many plants and kept an emphasis on coastal plants, due to our Kilkee location. However, there are many country areas within the location, with large, open spaces close to homes in these rural settings. For some of these homes, it is probably true to say that rabbits are the most serious source of plant damage and loss in the garden… So that is what I thought we could look at today, rabbit resistant plants….
Tune in at 7.30pm on Monday, or 5.30pm on Wednesday, to find out more. Or you can listen in on our webpage at rcb.ie at your own convenience….

A Little Bit of Gardening – Ornamental Grasses

Ornamental grasses have the combined attraction of elegant habit, foliage and seed heads. They are all easy to grow and can be planted individually or in groups for an immediate effect.
Mixed grasses planted for contrasting effect can make a spectacular collection, especially when inter-planted with tall herbaceous and perennial flowers. This is known as ‘Prairie Style Planting’.
So that is what I thought we could look at today, Ornamental Grasses and Prairie Style Planting…..
Tune in at 7.30pm on Monday, or 5.30pm on Wednesday, to find out more. Or you can listen in on our webpage at rcb.ie at your own convenience….

A Little Bit of Gardening – Rockeries and Stumperies.

When we are planning out our gardens, the choice of trees, shrubs and flowers are endless. There are plants for every position and we can soon fill our beds and borders and create environments that fill us with pride, and soothe and relax us.
But what about those awkward little nooks and corners, where the ground is too dry and unable to support even grass or too shady to work with.. These little pockets within our gardens give us a fantastic opportunity to try something a bit different, such as a Rockery or a Stumpery. So that is what we are looking at today, Rockeries and Stumperies..
Tune in at 7.30pm on Monday, or 5.30pm on Wednesday, to find out more. Or you can listen in on rcb.ie at your own convenience….

A Little Bit of Gardening – July Jobs

July is here and so are the school holidays. Family time, holidays, barbecues and evenings spent relaxing in the garden are on the agenda for this month.. Many of our jobs this month will be pottering around dead heading, weeding and watering, wherever it is required… So that is what we are looking at today, the jobs for the month of July..
Tune in at 7.30pm on Monday, or 5.30pm on Wednesday, to find out more. Or you can listen in on rcb.ie at your own convenience….

A Little Bit of Gardening – Water Features

Water has always played an important role in gardens all over the world. The beauty of water and it’s cool, refreshing influence impacts us all. Water is still attractive to us, so water features created within our gardens can soothe and relax us as much as our beds and borders. So that is what I thought we could look at today – Water features and what they can bring to our gardens…

Tune in at 7.30pm on Monday, or 5.30pm on Wednesday, to find out more. Or you can listen in on rcb.ie at your own convenience….

A Little Bit of Gardening Show – Our Garden and Water.

Watering is a job we can mostly depend on our Irish weather for, however there are occasions where our weather can work against us and we can get no rainfall for extended periods, this is when we need to step in and give a helping hand.. But how can we use our water most effectively?

Tune in at 7.30pm on Monday, or 5.30pm on Wednesday, to find out more. Or you can listen in on rcb.ie at your own convenience….

A Little Bit Of Gardening – June Jobs

June is here which means Summer is here!! June is a fabulous month in the garden, as our plants take full advantage of the warmer conditions and longer daylight hours, speeding towards their summer peak.. So today we will be looking at the Jobs for the month of June, encouraging us to be out, pottering around and enjoying our gardens..
Tune in at 7.30pm on Monday, or 5.30pm on Wednesday, to find out more. Or you can listen in on rcb.ie at your own convenience…

A Little Bit of Gardening Show – Shade Loving Plants

Most of us would prefer to have our gardens in a sunny position as we know it will give us more options for the use of the space and of course, more options for plants. However a shady position can offer a lot too, from the beauty of cool green spaces bathed in dappled shade to the charm of deep shade filled with richly textured foliage plants. So that is what I thought we could look at today – How to make the most of a shady garden or position.Tune in at 7.30pm on Monday, or 5.30pm on Wednesday, to find out more.

A Little Bit of Gardening – Bamboo

There are some plants that have a bit of a bad reputation, for various reasons, and some which trigger a ‘marmite’ response, you either love it or hate it…. One of these plants is the Bamboo, which has it’s good points and some that need attention…. So that is what I thought we could look at today, the Bamboo plant…
Tune in at 7.30pm on Monday, or 5.30pm on Wednesday, to find out more. Or you can listen in on rcb.ie at your own convenience….

A Little Bit of Gardening – May Jobs

We are now in May and the evenings are starting to get longer with our temperatures steadily rising.. You will notice your plants are getting stronger and the trees are filling with leaves. May is the month where your spring flowers start to give way to summer blooms, so we will be busy helping with the change over. So today we are looking at Jobs for the month of May…

A Little Bit of Gardening – Starter

Whether you are starting a new garden or looking to re-vamp part of an existing one, it can be hard to know where to start. Starting a new garden, or area, can be overwhelming and sometimes it is hard to know where to begin. The more you know about your garden space, the easier the decision will be. It is usually easier if you break it down into steps and by learning these things about your space, you will have a head start in understanding what jobs need to be done before you can start planting.. So this is what we are looking at today, where to start and how to proceed, in steps, to reach an achievable goal…

A Little Bit of Gardening – Weeds

What exactly are weeds and do we need to be as worried about them as we are? Some weeds can be invasive, so these would need immediate action, but what about the others? Why are they appearing? So that is what I thought we could look at today, our weeds and what they mean…..