Community Life

In today’s show we talk to Wendy Eadie, Youth Justice Worker , Kilrush Youth Service, Kilrush, about her work involved with Work to Learn. If you are interested in the program you can contact them on 065 6845350. Also about Mental Health week from the 7th October to the 11th October, focusing on Suicide Awareness.

Community Life with Guests Michael O Néill & Eileen Cunningham

This Monday Debbie & I will be chatting with Michael O Néill & Eileen Cunningham (Education, training and development officers) from Mid West ARIES (Advancing Recovery in Ireland Education Service), HSE.
ARIES offers a range of courses, information and educational materials on Recovery and Well-Being in Mental Health in Limerick, Clare and North Tipperary.

Community Life

On Monday’s show we will be chatting with Faye Bradley and Marina Murphy from ‘our Attraction is Action’ who have won 251 prizes in different competitions over the past year. The Ennis-based couple believe their phenomenal winning run is down to their use of the Law of Attraction, a philosophy that has gained prominence over the last 12 years, particularly due to the film/book ‘The Secret’

Community Life

On Monday’s show Edel Burke will chat with us about local crime. We also had an interview with Laura and Chris, from Clare bus about what it could mean for Clare bus and its passengers if the dispatch office moves to Limerick. You can help by signing their petition to keep this vital service in Clare. We also had an interview with Nicholas Ryan-Purcell about his latest film ‘This is Nicholas – Living with Autism’, a documentary about his experiences of growing up in Tipperary with Autism & Depression.

Community Life

In today’s show we cover the Farm Safety Workshop held at Lakeen on Thursday 14th March. Garda Edel Burke will be in the studio with Sharon and Debbie. We have interviews with Martina O’Gormley HSA, Willy Hanarahan IFA, George Graham Mental Health, Robert Bradshaw.

Community Life

On today’s show we will be speaking with Triona O’ Rourke (crime prevention officer) about what is happening in the local community. Also, in line with international women’s day we will be chatting with two inspirational women. Sarah Clancy from Public Participation Network (PPN) and Jenny Fahy (CEO & founder of Life Connections & successful social
entrepreneur awardee)

Community Life

This week we will be talking about mental health issues. We will be chatting to mental health activist Cillian Keane from hustle fitness in Ennis, to get an insight into his life, living with bipolar disorder. We will also hear from Mary O Donoghoe about drug and alcohol use in west Clare.

Community Life

Community Life with Debbie, Sharon, and guests with Stuart James. This week we will be talking about nutrition and also about their visit to the West Clare Resource Centre in Kilrush with an interview with one of the staff there about what they have to offer.

Community Life

Today Sharon and Debbie is talking to James Gallagher about COPD, one of the silent diseases that isn’t talked about. If you have any questions you can ring on 065 9083022. or text RCB on 089422 8491
Links to organisations mentioned in the Show.
Clare COPD Support Group
COPD Advice Line – Freephone 1800 832 146

Community Life

On Community Life today with Sharon and Debbie, we have interviews from our recent visit to Clare Youth Action in Ennistymon who won a Clare DIvisional Garda Youth Award and a nomination from Outsider Magazine for the Best Outside/Adventure Film of 2018 for thier film about Plastic Pollution in our ocean.

Community Life – New Programme

Brand new show first broadcast today at 2.30pm Live!!New show starting this Monday from 2:30-3:30pm. Community Topics discussed weekly with Debbie & Sharon. This week we will speak with RCB’s station manager Sorcha Daly about the ethos behind community stations, the up coming name change and whats in store for RCB going forward. Also, Sharon will be talking about her new role as community outreach coordinator & trainer and how people can get involved.
Live with Debbie, Sharon, Sorcha, James, Flanagan, Ray Lowe.