The Smokin’ Room Sessions

New shows this week:
Rock show this Sat @ 5pm listeners choice from John Roberts!going to be different and great at the same time, and as i have an over spill of tracks The smokin room sessions show will also be part playlist from John Roberts,the only person i know who was on stage at the early Isle of wight festival !!
Nowadays his life is animal rescue, gig promotions, and also one of the musicians in The Unrelated Erderly Brothers group,and also a rock show/smokin room listener!!!!Please join Debbie Mrsg Green and myself this week end for some fun radio.

The Smokin’ Room Sessions trad and folk tunes from Ireland and around the world. Hosted by Stax Green

Mikey’s Mix

Mikey’s Mix on the air every Friday from 2:30pm, stay tuned for a treat. Where you be in for a serious mix of music from classics to new music and even remixes which you wont hear anywhere else only on Mikey’s mix. Tune on Friday’s from 8pm to 9pm (with your dancing shoes on and ready).

Mikey's Mix