Live Simulcast with SBCR from The West County Hotel

Congratulations to all successful candidates.
Special thanks to our sister station over in East Clare , Scariff Bay Community Radio

Electorate : 96,398
Votes : 61,366
Invalid : 459
Valid : 60,907
Quota : 12,182

Timmy Dooley(FF) ELECTED
Cathal Crowe TD (FF) ELECTED
Joe Cooney (FG) ELECTED:
Donna McGettigan(SF) ELECTED

Sixeenth Count:
Joe Cooney(FG) ELECTED:(+ 1110 ) 10790
Donna McGettigan(SF) ELECTED :(+ 810 ) 10803
Leonora Carey (FG) (+ 1,592) 8,462

Join our live simulcast with Scariff Bay Community Radio from The West County Hotel in Ennis. for analysis commentary and live updates on the election count.