Radio Beams – Eileen Lahiffe 60 yrs in amature drama in Corofin, supported by husband Willie.

Radio Beams show Tuesday 27th of August is with well know Eileen Lahiffe. Amature Drama in Corofin. Supported by her husband Willie. It was Haulie Lahiffe who Directed her in the early years.
Eileen spend 60 years on the stage and played major parts in plays like Big Maggie and The Field by John B Keane. Eileen Directed a play her self named ” Who for Pudding.” She got best Director.
Corofin travelled to many many drama competitions around Ireland. Eileen won over 18 awards and more for various aspects of Drama.
Lots of great friendships were made over the years up and down Ireland.
Tune in to 3.30pm Tuesday.