The Loop Show 09/08/16

Ninth 0f Aug and tá an Loop Show beagnach réidh cun Chraoladh ón RCB studios at the community centre in Kilkee bringing you the Loop Show this evening on Raidió Corca Baiscinn chatting to Ann Hayes of Inis Cathaigh Comhaltas on the upcoming Fleadh Ceoil na h-Éireann in Ennis starting this weekend,chatting to Stephen Rowan on the Loop Head Lighthouse, Finbarr Furey’s concert in Kilkee Church was a great success and a quick chat with him on the night, chatting to Carmen of Carmens Riding and Treking Centre in Querrin , Eugene Costello reporting on Currach regattas and Tommy Comerford on events coming up in Doonbeg…. the show is presented and produced by Michael O’Connell every Tuesday evening from 6.03 to 7.00 PM on 92.5 and 94.8 FM your local community radio Raidió Corca Baiscinn (repeated on Wednesday at 5.03pm ) coming from the RCB studios at Community Centre Kilkee and covering South West Clare….also streaming live on

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The Loop Show 02/08/16

Michael O’Connell brings you the latest news and events from every parish in south west Clare, and discusses the latest social and political issues. Always present at the biggest events in west Clare, Michael brings you all the latest goings on every Tuesday evening from 6pm.

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The Loop Show – Current Affairs in and around around the Loop Head – 26/07/16

A dull day today just more of the same as we finish out the last week of July 2016 from the RCB studios at the community centre in Kilkee bringing you the Loop Show this evening on Raidió Corca Baiscinn chatting to Ann Hayes of Inis cathaigh Comhaltas on the Annual Trad Music and set dancing in Kilrush, Moira Garry reporting from Cooraclare on the Rose of Clare Fest on this weekend also some music and song from last nights show in the Community Centre Kilrush on 1916 rising performed by the Cracked Spoon Theatre chatting to Eugene Costello on Currach regattas and finishing up with some music from the concert in the Teach Ceol on Saturday night all on this evenings show at RCB …. the show is presented and produced by Michael O’Connell every Tuesday evening from 6.03 to 7.00 PM on 92.5 and 94.8 FM your local community radio Raidió Corca Baiscinn (repeated on Wednesday at 5.03pm ) coming from the RCB studios at Community Centre Kilkee and covering South West Clare….

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The Loop Show 12/07/16

What a lovely day it turned out to be and from the RCB studios at the community centre in Kilkee bringing you the Loop Show this evening on Raidió Corca Baiscinn chatting to Murt Collins of Kilrush Tidy Towns to Margaret Considine about the Loop Head Gathering Fest just over last weekend, to Kevin Haugh on his lecture in the Kilkee Bay Hotel for the Kilkee Civic Trust Wed 13th chatting to Lorna Wallace on the upcoming Peadar Clancy Festival and the unveiling of the memorial at Cranny in his memory, Moira Garry reporting from Cooraclare and chatting to Clare McGrath Water Safety Officer with Clare Co Co on the Safety Buoys placed in Kilkee Bay all on this evenings show at RCB …. the show is presented and produced by Michael O’Connell every Tuesday evening from 6.03 to 7.00 PM on 92.5 and 94.8 FM your local community radio Raidió Corca Baiscinn (repeated on Wednesday at 5.03pm ) coming from the RCB studios at Community Centre Kilkee and covering South West Clare….

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The Loop Show – 05/07/16

Not a bad day today the Willie Week is in full swing…. we have a lot on the show this evening. Caught up with Michael Waugh and his Wild West Tours Ireland group in Kilkee last Thursday Eugene Costelloe reporting from the Maherees Regatta Co Kerry last Sunday, Anne Hayes giving us results on the Fleadh Ceoil an Clár 0n 24/26th of June in Kilrush, Margaret Considine on the upcoming Loop Head Gathering Fest in Cross next weekend and Tommy Comerford reporting from Doonbeg.. beidh siad go léir ar an cláir an trathnóna seo ar an cuigiú lá de mhí Iúil 5 of July on 92.5 and 94.8FM streaming live on this Tuesday evening.coming from the RCB studios Community Centre Kilkee and repeating at 5pm on Wed 15th enjoy…

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The Loop Show 29/06/16

A very busy couple of days the kids on school holidays everywhere and the summer season has started well sort of very heavy rain around for most of today….so we have a lot on the show this evening at 6.03 Eugene Costelloe reporting on the Kilkee Currach Regatta at Kilkee on Sunday also some commentary, On Thursday and Saturday at events and getting ints on the Fleadh Ceoil an Clár in Kilrush Some excerpts from the unveiling of the Memorial Sphere commemorating 1916 in Ennis on Sun 26th the launch of Ruth Woods art exhibition at Culturlann Sweeny by Seamus Connolly on Wed 22nd and covering the Kilrush and District Historical tour of the Vandeluer Walld Gardens and Woods.. beidh siad go léir ar an cláir an trathnóna seo ar an ochtú lá is fiche de mhí Meitheamh 28 of June on 92.5 and 94.8FM streaming live on this Tuesday evening.coming from the RCB studios Community Centre Kilkee and repeating at 5pm on Wed 15th enjoy…

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