Community Unity with Guests Amy Hanley , and Mary Keane.

On Today’s Community Unity Teresa Glendenning speaks to Amy Hanley who, after her teenage daughter was diagnosed with Anorexia and spent a year in hospital, went on to setup in hope of bringing greater awareness to the condition and to the treatments available for anyone suffering from eating dissorders. Please see links above, contact is available at . Brenda has the Community Diary of events for the area.
We have Mary Keane from Halla Eoin Kilbaha community centre which is hosting an Arts and Crafts course tutured by Gene Clohessy of Doonbeg Creative Arts Studio. The refurbished Halle Eoin Centre moves from strength to strength with a bunch of organised events over the upcoming months for the community including childrens Easter Camp over April 2nd,3rd and 4th, see links for details. With Teresa Glendenning , Brenda Deloughry, and Chris Behan